Ninth Cybersecurity Mentorship Program Welcomes 3 New Companies
Program has supported 281 diverse students from 40 schools statewide
Since the fall of 2020, the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Mentorship Program has supported 281diverse students from 40 schools across the state, connecting them with professional mentors to discuss cybersecurity careers and work together on a cyber-related project.
The fall 2024 cohort is the ninth session of the program over the past four years, helping to grow and foster diversity in the cybersecurity workforce in Massachusetts, a critical issue for the sector. In addition to the work with their mentor, students also participate virtually in career panels.
The program has welcomed 105 mentors from 72 companies/organizations over the nine sessions. The three new mentor companies/organizations that were added to the program this spring are CodeMetal, Granite Communications and the Machine Metrics.